We start our spring salmon fishing with the early run of kings, also known as “Chinook.” This run begins arriving around the second week of May and often is led in by some really nice fish. May is a great month to come, and one of our favorites by the way, if you want some solitude for your fishing experience. Many of the non-resident guides are still down south. May is an excellent time of year for prepared locals to have the water to themselves. These days are the equivalent of big game hunting. Some of the biggest and most aggressive fish start out the season. This is the time of year and the fishing that really turns the cranks of the local and guides alike.

What to Know Before Embarking on a Fishing Expedition in Ketchikan, Alaska
Are you aware that fishing has evolved from being an economic activity to a sporting and recreational activity? One of the places where fishing has been the hallmark of people’s lives is in Alaska. The reasons why Alaska is so popular with fishing is because it boasts a wide variety of great freshwater as well as saltwater bodies that offer fertile grounds for fishing.
If you are planning on going on a fishing expedition, then look no further, Alaska is your perfect destination. Whether you are an individual or a group of people, Alaska offers you a golden opportunity to book an early season fishing charter to enjoy fishing in its beautiful waters. Going to Alaska will enable you to reel in more than 627 species of fish that inhabit the cool Alaska waters, though we typically fish for the biggest and best.
What is the most Common Fish Species in Alaska?
Alaska prides itself in being one of the places in the world that has a wide variety of fish species. Some of them include king salmon, also known as Chinook, halibut, Dolly Varden, and trout, to mention a few. When you get to Alaska, you’ll realize that the challenge isn’t catching fish, but where to fish. The reason being that Alaska has over 12,000 rivers and more than 3 million lakes!
What are some of the most Common Types of Salmon in Ketchikan, Alaska?
King Salmon/ Chinook Salmon: Kings are the largest yet the least abundant species of salmon. King salmon is mostly red, but some are also white. It is excellent in taste and weighs a lot, sometimes as much as 40 pounds. Indeed, king salmon’s large size and superior flesh make it the most prized fish in Alaska. The largest king salmon ever caught in Alaska weighed 126 pounds.
Silver/Coho Salmon: Silvers are the favorite type of salmon among most restaurant owners. Silver salmon is the second most abundant type of salmon. It is normally frozen whole and sold to restaurants in Europe. Just like Chinook salmon, silver salmon is also highly valued in Alaska since its sales earn the state millions in revenue. Additionally, about 75% of all silver salmon caught in the USA come from Alaska.
When is the best time to go for Spring Salmon Fishing in Alaska?
Before planning an early season fishing charter in Alaska, it is important to note the best season for the particular species you want to catch and where you intend to book your fishing expedition in the state. The best time to go salmon fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska is between May and September. If you want to cash in on your early season fishing charter, read on for more information.
Fishing of Salmon between May and September
If you were not aware, another name for king salmon is Chinook. The run for Chinook in Ketchikan usually begins in early May. It is the best time to start since the town is usually less crowded at that time. In July, the king salmon run continues, as the weather is typically warmer, giving you a chance to enjoy more time on the waters. As the king salmon runs dies down the silver salmon and pink salmon begin to pick up.
The Final Word About Visiting Alaska If you are an adventurous person seeking to make the most out of your short vacation, then you shouldn’t hesitate to visit Alaska. It will be the first step in your plan to have a great time in Ketchikan, Alaska. Furthermore, you will find a variety of accommodation in the available cabins, lodges, and hotels perfect for any traveler. Lastly, you will enjoy abundant fish species that will leave you spoiled for choice.