There are dozens of charters to choose from. Picking the best fit for you can be overwhelming.
What to look for in a day fishing charter boat In the “Salmon Capital of th

e World,” there are obviously many options on who you charter. Why not go with a local, someone who was born, raised, educated, and planning to die here? In the spring before the king salmon arrive, hundreds of fishermen from the lower 48 come to work the summer season.
How To Choose A Good Reliable Ketchikan Fishing Charter?
Whether you’re a seasoned sport fisherman or just starting out, you’ll find fishing paradise in Ketchikan, Alaska. The waters here are teeming with salmon, halibut, cod, rockfish, and many other fish species. Depending on who you choose to go on a boat charter adventure with, you might even be lucky enough to have a chef prepare a freshly caught fish for your meal. But even if you fish with a catch-and-release mantra, you’ll still enjoy the variety of fish in this spectacular part of Alaska. If you are planning a trip to Ketchikan that includes taking a charter, here’s what to consider if you’re trying to decide how to narrow down your charter options.
Don’t Go By Price
It might be tempting to go with the cheapest boat charter you can find, but that’s not always the wisest decision. In fact, quite often it can end up in disaster. At the very least, you might end up with fishing guides who lack sufficient experience in the types of fish found in the area. This means that you might spend all that money hoping for a great fishing trip but end up missing out on some of the area’s most lucrative fishing spots. Furthermore, some fishing guides are not professionally licensed or even trained, which can also make for a poor experience.
Shop Online First These days, you can do just about any kind of shopping online. And yes, that includes looking for a fishing charter, too. Just as you’ll find reviews and information for just about any kind of amenity when you’re traveling, you’ll also find information about fishing in Ketchikan. Sometimes, a local fisherman posts valuable information such as the best season to visit for catching specific types of fish and their current catches. They can also recommend charters and further explain the benefits of hiring a local Alaskan captain to take you out on a chartered tour.
The Captain is Just as Important as the Boat
Sometimes, people are lured by big, shiny, fancy boats that promise adventure and plenty of good catches. But if the captain of your ship is gruff or lacks a sense of humor, it could make your experience less than ideal, no matter how good the fishing conditions are. Therefore, it’s a good idea to spend some time talking to a local Alaskan captain before you sign up for a charter trip. Calling the captain or the company that offers charters ahead of time can make the difference between a trip that you enjoy and one that ends up in disappointment.
Pick Your Season
Just like fishing in any other place, you’ll find different fish species available in Ketchikan throughout the year. There are many species commonly found throughout the calendar year here, including pink salmon, silver salmon, king salmon, and yellow rockfish. A local fisherman will also tell you that nearly 30 species of cod live in Ketchikan’s waters! So depending on what type of fish you’re hoping to catch, you’ll have to plan your travel accordingly. However, be aware that fishing boats may be more limited in where they can take you during the cold winter months.
Ketchikan, Alaska is one of the most beautiful parts of the state. In addition to its natural beauty, it happens to have an abundance of fish. This makes for a lucrative fishing experience for everyone, regardless of whether you’re a novice or a seasoned sportsman. There are a variety of species to enjoy throughout the year, which gives you plenty of opportunity for choosing the best time to go. Before you leave, search around for charters to find a price and captain that you’re comfortable with. After all, this is your adventure, so you’ll want to make sure it goes as planned!