And for all those stories that you’ll be telling your friends and family, it’s important to be able to show that well in a photo.
We All Know Every Fish You Catch is Going to be the Biggest Fish Ever! You will want to make sure you memorialize your once in a lifetime trip with “The Perfect Picture” of your catch. Using this local secret will ensure you have the perfect pic to share with friends and family. Be sure to share with AGF as well, so we can include you in our Hall of Fame.

Picture 1 – A Beautiful Coho Salmon While the salmon and halibut you catch in Alaska are among the world’s largest, you want to optimize your picture. In this example, we see a beautiful coho salmon just about average size for late Summer.

Picture 2 – A Different Way To Hold A Salmon or Halibut
Now – In picture 2 you see the guest properly holding the salmon forward – magnifying his catch for the camera. This is how FISH stories are born.
Ultimately, the best way to capture your big fish is by holding it up and outward in front of you to maximize its size.
Check Out our Instagram page for some examples, and give us a follow too! – @AlaskaGoFish